Thursday, May 22, 2008


I went to the Dr again yesterday for my post-op appointment. Everything went well. She wants to do some chromosomal testing on Jason and I to make sure everything is OK. I had it done after my last m/c but she wants to do it again anyway. We won't have the results of that for at least 2 weeks. Otherwise we are just waiting on AF (aunt flo) to show up and then I go back in for baseline blood work and then start the Follistim injections.

On another note....Emma is back in the hospital. They got to go home yesterday with instruction to come back this morning for another billirubin/jaundice test. It was elevated enough that they want to keep her for 48-72 hours. This is not uncommon in preemies (they are considering her that since she was 3 weeks early). Basically she gets to get a sun tan under the lights.

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