Thursday, April 3, 2008

Can it be true??

So finally after over 2 1/2 years of trying to have a baby we are finally pregnant again. It still does not seem real. This was a non-medicated cycle. I was getting ready to start the follistim shots next round. I had already called the Re (reproductive specialist) and asked for the meds to make me start since I was sure that since I was not on anything that I would not start on my own. I was still checking my temp every day. I was pretty sure that I did not even ovulate this month but the chart I was puttin my temps on said I did. I was really anxious to get started on the shots but I finally decided to wait until my chart said 14 days past my Ovulation date.

Day 14 arrives (Tuesday and Mom's birthday) and my temp, instead of dropping like it always has in the past on day 14, went up!!! I was very confused since I really thought I did not even ovulate. Well, there was only one way to find out, home pregnancy test.

I take the test and as I am finishing up I notice what appears to be a faint line. I can't really believe it. I am rubbing my eyes trying to focus to see if it is really there or I am just seeing things. At this point I need a second opinion. Jason was in the shower. I go to his bathroom and shove the stick in the shower and ask if he sees anything. He see the line too.

I am not getting too excited yet since I know it could be nothing. We call a friend that is a pathologist and ask if he can do a blood test to make sure. At 9:00 I go get the blood drwan and at 11:30 he calls and confims that we are pregnant!!!!

Here are the sticks that I took over the next few days. I already had them in the house and I really like seeing it turn positive. We called both the moms and told them but made swore them to secrecy.

We put in a call to the Re to let them know we were pregnant and to start me on the medicine needed to help me stay pregnant. We met with them on Wednesday for a consult and more blood work.

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